Construction activities for Phase 2 began in early April 2021. This year the team will enhance another 34 acres of floodplain and 1.6 miles of seasonal side channel to provide habitat for juvenile rearing Chinook salmon and steelhead. We will also plant about 38 acres of riparian vegetation both in the Phase 1 footprint completed in 2020 as well as in the Phase 2 footprint.
The Phase 2 work area is across the north section of the main channel lower Yuba River, which will be closed to all watercraft starting this April 1 through December 1 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District Daguerre Point Dam to 6,000 feet downstream. The south section of the main channel remains open. This temporary closure will facilitate completing Phase 2 habitat work.
During Phase 2, we will remove approximately 800,000 cubic yards of rock and debris from this Middle Training Wall to achieve our restoration goals! Soon this mountain will be restored to floodplain habitat as it once was.