The Hallwood Project Team intends to begin implementation in Spring 2018.

Several permit applications were completed and permits obtained in 2017 were:

  • USFWS and NMFS issued Biological Opinions under Section 7 in February 2017.
  • State Historic Preservation Office and USFWS executed a Memorandum of Agreement under the National Historic Preservation Act on 11/29/17.
  • Yuba County issued a Notice of Determination of a Mitigated Negative Declaration with a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan on 12/6/17.
  • USACE issued a Letter of Permission under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act on 12/15/17.
  • State Water Resources Control Board issued a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 on 12/14/17.
  • The State Mining and Geology Board granted a request for exemption from the State Mining and Reclamation Act with conditions on 12/14/17.
  • Central Valley Flood Protection Board: final encroachment permit pending.
  • USFWS issued a Finding of No Significant Impact on 12/20/17.


Finding of no significant impact (FONSI)

Notice of Determination (NOD)

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Final EA/IS